
Mission Statement

  • To grow by providing our customers with products and services that allow them to be more competitive.

  • To exceed our customers expectations in every product we produce and every interaction we have.

  • To produce products that bring unprecedented quality and value to our customers with clear focus on safety, quality, and value.

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Contact us Great communication is one of the attributes that sets us apart from our competitors! Use the form to contact us, or feel free to give us a call! We love to hear from you!

Are you interested in purchasing our products? Call our sales hotline at (212)642-9200 to speak with one of our sales associates.

sales offices Elastic Fabrics of America, Inc.
1430 Broadway, Ste. 307
New York, NY, 10018


manufacturing and corporate hq Elastic Fabrics of America, Inc.
PO Box 21986
Greensboro, NC 27420
Send us a message!
your name:
email address:
your message:

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